Ensuring you receive subscribed emails from Marcus Daniel®
Many email and internet providers are working to tighten security on their products in order to battle the ever growing amount of spam and risky mail that users have been receiving. While we thoroughly support the action these companies are taking, unfortunately it can lead to quality mail finding its way into your junk inbox and sometimes never reaching you at all.
Below you will find detailed instructions on how to add Marcus Daniel Tobacconist to your trusted list to ensure that you receive our newsletter and event information that you have requested. We have tried to include information for many of the major email providers, but if you can not find the relevant instructions for the company you use please feel free to email us at inquiries@marcusdaniel.com for further details.

1. Click Contacts in the right toolbar.
2. Click Add Contact.
3. Enter events@marcusdaniel.com and additional information if you wish.
4. Click Add Contact button in the popup to finish.

1. Click Preferences from the menu.
2. Click Restrict Incoming Email.
3. Click Yes to Enable Email Controls.
4. Click Allow email from addresses listed below.
5. Enter events@marcusdaniel.com
6. Click Add.
7. Click Update to finish.

1. Click Address Book.
2. Click Add Contact.
4. Save events@marcusdaniel.com as a contact.
5. Click save.

1. Open an email from the sender that you want to whitelist.
2. Click on the little down-pointing-triangle-arrow next to “reply.”
3. Click Add events@marcusdaniel.com to contacts list to finish.

1. Click Address Book .
2. Click File.
3. Click New Card.
4. Enter events@marcusdaniel.com and additional information if you wish. .
5. Click Edit to finish

1. Open the email message from the sender you want to add to your address book.
2. Right-click Click here to download images in the gray bar at the top of the message.
3. Click Add Sender to Senders Safe List to finish.

1. Right-click on the email you received (in the list of emails).
2. Click Junk E-mail.
3. Click Add Sender to Safe Senders List to finish.

1. Click the Home tab.
2. Click Junk.
3. Click Junk E-mail Options.
4. Click Safe Senders.
5. Click Add.
6. Enter events@marcusdaniel.com and additional information if you wish.
7. Click OK to finish.

1. Click events@marcusdaniel.com in the header of the message you’re viewing.
2. Click Add to finish.

1. Click Address Book.
2. Make sure Personal Address Book is highlighted.
3. Click New Card. This will launch a New Card window that has 3 tabs: Contact, Address & Other.
4. Under Contact, enter events@marcusdaniel.com and additional information if you wish.
5. Click OK to finish .
1. Click Address Book.
2. Make sure Personal Address Book is highlighted.
3. Click New Card. This will launch a New Card window that has 3 tabs: Contact, Address & Other.
4. Under Contact, enter events@marcusdaniel.com and additional information if you wish.
5. Click OK to finish

1. Click the Address Book tab on the top menu bar.
2. Click Contacts.
3. Click Add Contact.
4. Enter events@marcusdaniel.com and additional information if you wish.
5. Click Save to finish.

1. Open an email from the sender that you want to whitelist.
2. Click Add to contacts next to events@marcusdaniel.com to finish.

1. Open the email message from the sender you want to add to your address book.
2. Click Add to contacts next to events@marcusdaniel.com.
3. On the Add Contact popup, add additional information if needed.
4. Click Save to finish.

2. Click OK to add to contacts.